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5 top tips on keeping babies & toddlers cool in hot weather

Summer is finally here, and with it comes the excitement of spending quality time outdoors with your little ones.

As enjoyable as those warm summer days can be, it's crucial to remember the health risks that come with extreme heat, especially for babies and toddlers.

Here are our five top tips on the best ways to keep cool in the hot weather.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is one of the most significant risks linked with the hot weather, especially for babies and toddlers who can dehydrate quickly.

Make sure that your little ones are drinking plenty of fluids; babies and toddlers are more prone to dehydration than adults. Make sure to encourage them to drink water regularly throughout the day - maybe leave a cup of water by the door to remind them (and you) to drink some more.

You can always try giving them water-heavy foods, such as watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries, for added hydration. Or why not get them to make ice lollies? The excitement of making their own lollies will encourage them to eat/drink them when they are ready (great science experiment too!).

homemade ice lollies

Dress them appropriately

It's essential to dress your little ones in lightweight clothing that is breathable and loose-fitting, keeping them fresh and cool during hot spells.

Choose breathable and light-coloured fabric, such as cotton or linen, as it allows air to circulate around their body; and avoid dark colours that absorb heat. Shoulders are vulnerable to sunburn, so always best to have short sleeves to cover them.

You’ll also need a hat or a sunshade if you're out and about, to protect them from the sun's rays. Opt for a wide-brim hat, or one with a neck protector too.

Avoid the sun during peak hours

Avoid taking your little one out during the hours from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm; this is when the sun is at its strongest. Instead, opt for early morning or late afternoon activities with your baby/toddler.

When you are out, make sure you stay in the shade as much as possible. Find shady spots to rest under, or consider using a beach umbrella or tent to create a cool, shaded spot for you and your child.

Avoid placing a blanket over the pram/pushchair as this can trap heat, resulting in an overheated baby or toddler.

Use a fan or air conditioner

When the weather is hot, use a fan or air conditioner to keep the temperature inside your home at a comfortable level. Make sure to place the fan in a safe place, away from any little fingers.

Try to keep curtains and blinds closed during the day to keep the sun’s warm rays out of the room. Be mindful of your child’s sleeping arrangements. Instead of using heavy blankets, opt for lighter sheets that allow air to circulate around their body.

Keep them entertained indoors/outdoors

When outside temperatures are soaring, sometimes, it's best to avoid outdoor activities altogether. Activities like playing with toys that have been refrigerated or in the freezer like teethers, light-up toys, or stuffed animals can keep your little ones cool and entertained while staying indoors.

If you are looking for outdoor activities, make sure to use the shade as much as possible. Small paddling pools or splash pads are great to keep cool during the hotter days. Make sure to supervise children in the water at all times.

Children love playing with water - try creating a water-pouring activity. Place different size bowls, cups, and spoons with water, bubbles, floating and sinking toys etc. Watch the toddlers play here for hours!

three toddlers in a tent with small colourful balls

Keeping your little ones safe and comfortable during the heat requires extra care and attention.

With these five top tips, you'll be well-equipped to keep your toddlers and babies cool this summer, protecting them from the heat while embracing the best of summertime fun.

Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry, so use these tips as a guide to help keep your little ones cool, refreshed, and comfortable, all season long. And don’t forget the sun cream - it’s recommended to use factor 50+ for the best protection.



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